TaiWan is funny country

The siphon effect of large cities has led to a net outflow of population from small towns, accompanied by a sharp decline in demand in the trading market, which in turn has caused a downturn and malaise in the overall economy.

After reading the relevant news emails from various countries’ media, including China, Europe, the US, and East Asian economies, it is evident that they are all facing a downturn. The Nikkei index suggests that the US is the only exception. Regardless, large enterprises are experiencing decline and carrying out layoffs, while small and medium-sized enterprises are closing down one after another. This is followed by a real estate crisis. At this time, millions of fresh graduates are entering society from campuses, and the employment situation is not optimistic.

Based on the daily emails from CNA, there seems to be little news related to unemployment in Taiwan, but this is an aspect that deserves further investigation and attention.